Global Data

To advance young children's learning & development


This unique collaboration between multi-disciplinary experts, UN agencies, implementors, ECD-ECE regional networks and stakeholder teams, will help to build research capacity in ECD-ECE, and increase the use of data for decision-making, action and monitoring.

The Harnessing Global Data Project will:

  • Bridge the gap between 0-3 and 3-6, break down the false dichotomy between ECD and ECE and bring learning and development together
    ECD, often defined as the period between 0-3yrs, is most frequently considered the domain of health where ECE (3-6yrs)is considered the domain of education.  This artificial pulling apart of these two intricately linked processes is a barrier to global improvements in these domains.
  • Use available data and collect new global data
    The project will analyse new and existing global data looking at threats to ECD by examining gender, location and wealth, services and family supports for young children, and policies that create facilitating environments for families and children. We will link indicators of the structural quality of ECE to contexts and child outcomes in LMICs, process quality, source data on government, development assistance and household expenditures on pre-primary education.  We will extract further country micro-data on contexts in which young children develop and learn; update nationally representative data on young children, services and policies to the most recent survey dates available, and develop new composite indicators of barriers and accelerators of young children’s learning and development.
  • Advance children’s learning and development through global, regional and country advocacy
    The findings will support the development of the right to education by providing a holistic approach to guide early development and educational interventions. It will demonstrate the strength of interdisciplinary work in cross-fertilizing data analysis and legal research in building strong foundations for translation into policy and regulatory change.
  • Reinforce the realization of children’s human rights
    We will use the results to provide evidence-based support to engage international human rights law, especially the right to education and the rights of the child, in advancing progress towards achieving the SDG goals of universal access by 2030. This research will address the gap in the evidence base for a unified approach to ECD and ECE.


Assessing the Prevalence of Young Children Living in Households Prepared for COVID-19 in 56 Low-and Middle-Income Countries


The COVID-19 pandemic and governments’ attempts to contain it are negatively affecting young children’s health and development in ways we are only beginning to understand and measure. Responses to the pandemic are driven largely by …


Recognizing Early Childhood Education as a Human Right in International Law


There is incontrovertible evidence that early learning opportunities shape long-term development and health. Nevertheless, early childhood care and education (ECCE) is not expressly mentioned as part of the right to education in the Convention on …


Parenting amid COVID-19: Challenges and Supports for Families with Young Children in South Africa


National response mechanisms, including lockdown regulations and financial and food aid, have exacerbated adversity and provided support. They have also exposed existing inequalities, with individuals and families able to cope and recover to varying degrees. …


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